Viewing data for Oregon

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Entity name  Start date  End date  Breach dates  Reported date  # affected  Type of breach  Data source 
David Douglas School District - - - 02/24/2023 - - -
Asante 6/12/2014 1/3/2023 - 02/24/2023 - - -
Crystal Bay Casino 11/27/2022 11/27/2022 - 02/24/2023 - - -
Asante Ashland Community Hospital - - - 02/24/2023 8834 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Electronic Medical Record
White Bird Clinic - - - 02/23/2023 584 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Email
Rancho Mesquite Casino, Inc. 11/9/2022 11/13/2022 - 02/17/2023 - - -
Zacks Investment Research, Inc. - - - 02/14/2023 - - -
Charter Communications 12/21/2022 12/27/2022 - 02/10/2023 - - -
Northwest Mothers Milk Bank 12/18/2022 12/23/2022 - 02/09/2023 - - -
DraftKings Inc. 11/18/2022 - - 02/09/2023 - - -
New Narrative 1/1/0001 - - 01/24/2023 - - -
Bank of Eastern Oregon 9/8/2022 9/14/2022 - 01/20/2023 - - -
Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, Inc. 12/21/2022 12/22/2022 - 01/19/2023 - - -
PayPal, Inc. 12/6/2022 12/8/2022 - 01/18/2023 - - -
Morgan Industrial, Inc. dba Omega Morgan 10/22/2022 10/28/2022 - 01/18/2023 - - -
Sierra Pacific Industries 6/10/2022 - - 01/11/2023 - - -
SMITH, GAMBRELL & RUSSELL, LLP 8/9/2021 - - 01/11/2023 - - -
Knox College 11/24/2022 - - 01/05/2023 - - -
Lincare Holdings Inc. 9/10/2021 9/29/2021 - 01/03/2023 - - -
Bay Bridge Administrators, LLC 9/3/2022 9/5/2022 - 12/29/2022 - - -