Viewing data for Nebraska*

* data from HHS (HIPAA) breach database only

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Entity name  State  Reported date  # affected  Type of breach  Data source 
SEIM JOHNSON, LLP NE 02/08/2016 30972 Theft Laptop
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska NE 12/03/2015 1872 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Paper/Films
Mosaic NE 12/11/2013 3857 Unauthorized Access/Disclosure Email
James A. Fosnaugh NE 06/26/2013 2125 Loss Other Portable Electronic Device
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. NE 05/21/2012 3000 Theft Laptop
University of Nebraska Medical Center NE 12/09/2011 611 Theft Paper/Films
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Co NE 10/18/2011 705 Theft Other Portable Electronic Device
Prime Home Care, LLC NE 11/12/2010 1550 Theft Desktop Computer
Omaha Construction Industry , Privacy Manager Breach NE 05/21/2010 800 Theft Laptop