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Entity name  Reported date  # affected  Data accessed  Type of breach  Data source 
Moody National Companies, LP 3/27/2023 1 Name,Social Security number,and insurance information Ransomware attack -
Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc. 3/27/2023 1 Name,address,and social security number Ransomware attack -
Uniboard Canada Inc. 3/27/2023 1 Name,home address,date of birth,personal phone numbers (home and cell),personal e-mail address,socialsecurity number,and salary information Ransomware attack by LockBit 3.0 -
Majestic Care of Middletown 3/27/2023 1 First and last name; Mailing address; Date of birth; Telephone number; Driver's license number; Social Security number; and Information related to healthcare payment and treatment Malicious software on internal systems -
Cigna Medicare; Solutran d/b/a Optum Financial 3/27/2023 3 Member name,date of birth,address,phone number,transaction activity and prepared card number/security code Solutran, a vendor Cigna uses for a prepaid discount card and healthy food services, experienced unauthorized access to some of its member web portals -
Oklahoma City University 3/27/2023 83 Name,mailing address,social security number,passport number,and driver license/state ID number Unauthorized access to computer network -
CRC Companies LLC 3/27/2023 99 Names,addresses,bank account numbers,and Social Security numbers Fraudulent bank activity on employee bank accounts associated with direct deposits, which occurred as a result of a relationship with a third party vendor -
The Burton Corporation; The Chill Foundation 3/27/2023 3 Name,date of birth,Social Security number,driver's license number or state-issued identification number,passport number,and financial account information Unauthorized access to and acquisition of files from computer systems -
Texas Medical Liability Trust 3/27/2023 2 Name,Social Security number,driver's license number/government issued identification,and Date of Birth Unauthorized access to and acquisition of files from computer systems -
Tenney & Company CPA's 3/27/2023 1 Name,address,Social Security number,tax identification number,and financial account information Unauthorized access to computer systems -
Edward Mendola, CPA 3/24/2023 2 Name,social security number,tax identification number,and date of birth A limited number of clients had received letters from the Internal Revenue Service (regarding potentially fraudulent tax returns that were filed using their information -
Dialpad 3/24/2023 3 Names,data elements and mailing addresses A product update to the Dialpad's fax service resulted in an error in how Dialpad's user interface displayed the pdf file containing the fax content. As a result of the error, instead of displaying the fax received for a given fax number, the most recently received fax was depicted. -
Trussbilt LLC 3/24/2023 7 Names,social security numbers,driver's license numbers,credit card/banking account information,dates of birth and health information Unauthorized access to Trussbilt's servers -
HF Foods Group Inc. 3/24/2023 2 Name,Social Security Number,Driver's License Number,financial account/payment card account number,and medical or health insurance information Unauthorized access to computer systems -
Adams County Children and Youth Services 3/24/2023 24 Names,dates of birth,health information and/or Social Security numbers Phishing scam -
Kline & Specter, P.C. 3/24/2023 1 Personal information related to our employee's employment,including their Social Security number Ransomware attack -
Ultralife Corporation 3/24/2023 7 Name and SSN Unauthorized access to and acquisition of files from network -
Kaycan Group of Companies 3/24/2023 2 Names,addresses,social security numbers,payroll information,health benefits data,and passport information Unauthorized access to and acquisition of files from network -
Bank of America, N.A.; NCB Management Services, Inc. 3/24/2023 11 Name,address,phone number,email address,date of birth,employment position,pay amount,driver's license number,Social Security number,account number,credit card number,routing number,account balance,and/or account status Unauthorized access to NCB's systems -
American Pain & Wellness 3/24/2023 1 Name,medical history information,mental and physical treatment information,diagnosis information,treating physician,medical record number,  health insurance information,health insurance policy number,subscriber number,and health insurance group/plan number All files on APW's network, including all backups, were encrypted with malicious ransomware -